Speech Sounds & Stuttering

Making the correct mouth movements required for speech is a complex process that most people take for granted. Some children need extra help with speech sounds to catch up to their same age peers. Studies have shown that children who have difficulty with speech sounds may have increased struggles learning to read and acquiring the other tools of communication essential for success in school. If your child has trouble being understood by people outside of your family, speech therapy can help develop the foundational skills for improved ease and confidence communicating.

Perhaps you or your child often repeat certain sounds or phrases when speaking. Stuttering can cause anxiety in social situations when speech sounds “bumpy” rather than “smooth.” Feeling out of control when you speak would cause anyone to feel anxious! Stuttering can arise in childhood or start later in life after a stroke or brain injury. It can be influenced by both genetics and the environment.

Wherever you are in your speech journey, we’d love to support you in achieving your goals. Everyone deserves to feel confident enough to use their voice!